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The Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Repository is a collection of tools that allow users to interact and manage Windows systems. Malware can also use WMI to persist on a Windows system. Malware the persist via WMI is typically located in the WMI Repository.

Default location: C:\Windows\System32\wbem\Repository

Artemis supports parsing WMI Repository on Windows 7+ and will parse all WMI Namespaces to look for evidence of persistence.

Other Parsers:


TOML Collection

system = "windows"

name = "wmipersist_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "6c51b123-1522-4572-9f2a-0bd5abd81b82"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "wmipersist"
# Optional
# alt_dir = "D:\\Evidence\\WMI"

Collection Options

  • alt_dir An alternative directory to use containing the WMI Repository. This directory needs to contain MAPPING*.MAP, OBJECTS.DATA, INDEX.BTR files

Output Structure

An array of WmiPersist entries

export interface WmiPersist {
/**SID associated with the WMI entry */
sid: string;
/**Name of WMI class */
class: string;
/**Query that triggers the WMI entry */
query: string;
/**Filter associated with WMI entry */
filter: string;
/**Consumer associated with WMI entry */
consumer: string;
/**Name of the Consumer */
consumer_name: string;
/** Data associated with the WMI entry. Can use `class` to determine what the type is.
* Most common ones are defined, however users can create their own class
| EventLogConsumer
| ActiveScriptConsumer
| CommandLineConsumer
| LogFileConsumer
| SmtpConsumer
| Record<string, unknown>;

* Consumer that logs a message to the Windows EventLogs when an event is triggered
export interface EventLogConsumer {
/**Creator of Consumer in bytes */
CreatorSID: Uint8Array;
/**Name of system where WMI sends events */
MachineName: string;
/**Max queue for consumer in bytes */
MaximumQueueSize: number;
/**Unique ID for consumer */
Name: string;
/**Event category */
Category: number;
/**Name of the event property that contains data */
NameOfRawDataProperty: string;
/**Event message in the message DLL */
EvenID: number;
/**Type of event */
EventType: number;
/**Array of strings to insert for an event log entry */
InsertionStringTemplates: string[];
/**Number of strings in `InsertionStringTemplates` */
NumberOfInsertionStrings: number;
/**SID associated with event */
NameOfUserSidProperty: string | Uint8Array;
/**Source name where message is located */
SourceName: string;
/**Name of system on which to log an event */
UNCServerName: string;

* Consumer to execute a script when an event is triggered
export interface ActiveScriptConsumer {
/**Creator of Consumer in bytes */
CreatorSID: Uint8Array;
/**Name of system where WMI sends events */
MachineName: string;
/**Max queue for consumer in bytes */
MaximumQueueSize: number;
/**Unique ID for consumer */
Name: string;
/**How many seconds to wait until process is killed. Zero (0) means process will not be killed */
KillTimeOut: number;
/**Name of scripting engine to use */
ScriptingEngine: string;
/**Name of file to execute script. Must be NULL if `ScriptText` is NOT NULL */
ScriptFileName: string;
/**Contents of script to execute. Must be NULL if `ScriptFileName` is NOT NULL */
ScriptText: string;

* Consumer to start a process when an event is triggered
export interface CommandLineConsumer {
/**Creator of Consumer in bytes */
CreatorSID: Uint8Array;
/**Name of system where WMI sends events */
MachineName: string;
/**Max queue for consumer in bytes */
MaximumQueueSize: number;
/**Unique ID for consumer */
Name: string;
/**Specifies command to execute */
CommandLineTemplate: string;
/**Unused */
CreateNewConsole: boolean;
/**Will create a new process group */
CreateNewProcessGroup: boolean;
/**New process will run in Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) */
CreateSeparateWowVdm: boolean;
/**New process will run in shared Virtual DOS Machine (VDM) */
CreateSharedWowVdm: boolean;
/**Unused */
DesktopName: string;
/**Specifies the file to execute */
ExecutablePath: string;
/**Color to use if new console is window is created */
FillAttributes: number;
/**Cursor feedback is disabled */
ForceOffFeedback: boolean;
/**Cursor feedback is enabled */
ForceOnFeedback: boolean;
/**How many seconds to wait until process is killed. Zero (0) means process will not be killed */
KillTimeout: number;
/**Priority of process threads */
Priority: number;
/**Determines if process is launched with interactive WinStation or default WinStation */
RunInteractively: boolean;
/**Determines Window show state */
ShowWindowCommand: number;
/**Whether to use default error mode */
UseDefaultErrorMode: boolean;
/**Title to use for process */
WindowTitle: string;
/**Working directory for the process */
WorkingDirectory: string;
/**X-offset, in pixels, from the left edge of the screen to the left edge of the window, if a new window is created. */
XCoordinate: number;
/**Screen buffer width, in character columns, if a new console window is created. This property is ignored in a GUI process. */
XNumCharacters: number;
/**Width, in pixels, of a new window, if a new window is created. */
XSize: number;
/**Y-offset, in pixels, from the top edge of the screen to the top edge of the window, if a new window is created. */
YCoordinate: number;
/**Screen buffer height, in character rows, if a new console window is created. This property is ignored in a GUI process. */
YNumCharacters: number;
/**Height, in pixels, of the new window, if a new window is created. */
YSize: number;
/**Specifies the initial text and background colors if a new console window is created in a console application */
FillAttribute: number;

* Consumer to write customer strings to text file (log) when an event is triggered
export interface LogFileConsumer {
/**Creator of Consumer in bytes */
CreatorSID: Uint8Array;
/**Name of system where WMI sends events */
MachineName: string;
/**Max queue for consumer in bytes */
MaximumQueueSize: number;
/**Unique ID for consumer */
Name: string;
/**Whether log file is Unicode or multibyte code file */
IsUnicode: boolean;
/**Max log file size */
MaximumFileSize: bigint;
/**String to write to log file */
Text: string;

* Consumer that sends an email when an event is triggered
export interface SmtpConsumer {
/**Creator of Consumer in bytes */
CreatorSID: Uint8Array;
/**Name of system where WMI sends events */
MachineName: string;
/**Max queue for consumer in bytes */
MaximumQueueSize: number;
/**Unique ID for consumer */
Name: string;
/**Addresses to send email (BCC) */
BccLine: string;
/**Addresses to send email (CC) */
CcLine: string;
/**From address to use to send email. Default is: `WinMgmt@MachineName` */
FromLine: string;
/**Headers to insert into email */
HeaderFields: string[];
/**Body of email */
Message: string;
/**Reply-to line of an email message */
ReplyToLine: string;
/**SMTP server to use to send emails */
SMTPServer: string;
/**Subject line for email */
Subject: string;
/**Addresses to send email to */
ToLine: string;